
Training the saints to certification in biblical counseling

Semester One: Principles of Biblical Counseling

Semester One: Principles of Biblical Counseling lays the theological framework from which counseling practice springs. The description, curriculum, and requirements for this course are found below:

Semester One: Principles of Biblical Counseling

Competency in biblical counseling begins with understanding concepts. Semester One: Principles of Biblical Counseling provides the first half of our comprehensive academic instruction that challenges a robust comprehension of biblical counseling. Counseling practice must be informed by a solid, biblical framework at every point. The content of this class lays the theological foundation necessary for competency in counseling practice.

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One: What is Biblical CounselingOutline:
I. Welcome and Introduction
II. What is Biblical Counseling/Discipleship?
III. When Did the Need of Counseling Begin?
IV. Who Should Counsel/Disciple?
V. Who Can Be Biblically Counseled?
Two: Why the Need for Biblical Counseling? SanctificationI. God’s ever-present agenda
II. God’s eternal expectations
III. God’s exquiste means
Three: Why the Need for Biblical counseling? Satan & SufferingOutline:
I. What/Who are the Soul’s Enemies
II. Wrong Reasonings and Responses to Suffering
III. Walking by Faith in Suffering
IV. What Good Can Come from Suffering
V. How Suffering is used for Sanctification
Four: Why the Need for Biblical Counseling? SinI. The Nature of Sin
II. Unpacking the Heart, Affections, and Desires
III. A Biblical Theory of Life: Interpretation and Response in a Real World
IV. A Biblical Theory of Motivation
V. Facing the Enemy: Sinful Desires for Self-Worship; Building The Kingdom of Self
VI. How to Spot the Enemy Within
VII. How to Help through Hope: God Is Able to Change Desires
Five: Why the Need for Biblical counseling? SelfI. Directing our Eyes Upon Christ
II. Defining the Cult of Self
III. Discovering How the Enemy Entered the Church
IV. Diverting our Gaze to Self; The Slippery Slope of Identity
V. Defeating Self-Soothing
Six: Resources to Respond WellI. The Son
II. The Spirit
III. Supplication
IV. The Saints
Seven: The Authoritative, Sufficient ScriptureI. The written Word’s Sufficiency
A. The written Word’s ability to effect salvation (justification)
B. The written Word’s ability to examine the soul
C. The written Word’s ability to enable sanctification
D. The written Word’s ability to eliminate sin
II. Special Revelation’s Necessity
Eight: Warning SystemsOutline:
God’s Warning Systems
I. Anthropology
II. Emotions
III. Conscience
IV. Guilt
Nine: Warning Signals (Anger, Bitterness, Worry, and Fear)Outline
I. See Peter’s Solution to Living above Circumstance
II. Seek God for New Desires
a. Please Him
b. Mortify Sin
III. Grow in Capacity to Magnify and Enjoy Jesus
Ten: Confession, Repentance, and ForgivenessOutline:
God’s way of Conflict Resolution
I. Confession
II. Repentance
III. Forgiveness
Eleven: Communication, Change, and Conflict ResolutionOutline:
1. Pauline Call to Change
2. Communication
a. Complications
b. Biblical speech
3. Conflict Resolution Overview
Twelve: Creating a Culture of Hope: Foundations of One-Another MinistryOutline:
I. The Pastoral Imperative: Ministry of the Word
II. The Parishoner’s Privilege: Ministry of the Word
III. The Church’s Calling: Ministry of the Word
Attendance10/12 Classes Required
Reading1)Training Manual - Semester One: Principles of Biblical Counseling (purchase from Rod and Staff)
2) Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands by Paul David Tripp (purchase from retailer)
3) Seeing with New Eye's by David Powlison (purchase from retailer)
ReportsTwo, 1 pg Book Reports
Guide to Written ReportsDownload
HomeworkYes (in training manual with answers provided, will not be graded)
Duration12, 2 hour classes
CalendarView Calendar
Student GuideDownload
FeesTraining Manual - $25
Individual Registration - $150
Married Registration - $200
Retake Registration - $50
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Rod and Staff Ministries

. . .exists to equip churches to strengthen the saints to live above sin, suffering, and circumstance through sanctification (greater conformity to Jesus) unto satisfaction (greater capacity to enjoy Jesus) Soli Deo Gloria. . .