
Training the saints to certification in biblical counseling

Semester Two: Practice of Biblical Counseling

Semester Two: Practice of Biblical Counseling introduces the practice, problems, and paradigms of biblical counseling. The description, curriculum, and requirements for this course are found below:

Semester Two: Practice of Biblical Counseling

From theological concepts springs counseling practice. Semester Two: Practice of Biblical Counseling provides the second half of our comprehensive academic instruction that challenges a robust comprehension of biblical counseling. God-honoring Biblical counseling demands a bible-saturated methodology. The content of this class discusses counseling practice, discerns counseling models, and discovers biblical problems and their solutions.

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View: Semester One, Semester Two, Semester Three

One: What Makes Biblical Counseling BiblicalOutline:
I. Introduction: What Makes a Competent Biblical Counselor?
II. Competence in Rightly Handling the Word
III. Character like Christ
IV. What is the Goal of Counseling?: The Glory of the Son in the Sanctification of the Saints
V. What are the Presuppositions of Biblical Counseling?
Two: Models of CounselingOutline:
I. Explore Scripture
II. Explain a Grid of Appraisal
III. Evaluate Various Models (biblical & secular) Against the Grid
IV. Estimate the Profitability of Combining Secular and Christian Models
Three: Give Hope/Generate InvolvementObjectives:
1. To realize the impact of giving hope to & gaining involvement from those who need to change.
2. To learn practical actions that convey hope and cultivate involvement.
3. To become a hope-filled counselor who intentionally risks involvement in lives of others for God’s glory and their good.
Four: Gather Data/Glean the ProblemOutline:
I. Overview of Data Gathering
II. Overview of Discerning the Problem
III. Detailed Treatment of Listening Well IV. Detailed Treatment of Problem Identification
Five: Grounded Instruction/Guided HomeworkObjectives:
1. To understand the importance of, not just listening well, but giving biblically grounded instruction to further the counselee’s growth in grace and knowledge of Jesus.
2. To understand that homework is essential to growth and change in holiness. 3. To learn competencies in instruction and assigned homework.
Six: Discipline, Legal Duties, DebtObjectives:
1. Commit to loving church discipline
2. Introduce legal duties with regard to counseling
3. Contrast wealth building versus stewardship
Seven: Disease, Determination, and Psychotropic DrugsObjectives:
1. Gain insight into how to counsel the physically ill
2. Understand the difference between occasions of sin and causes of sin
3. Analyze the efficacy of psychotropic medicines and how to counsel those on them
Eight: Depression, Life Dominating Sins, and DemonsObjectives:
1. Understand the characteristics/cause of and cure for depression
2. Understand the characteristics/cause of and cure for life dominating sins
3. Understand Satan’s purposes in bringing pain and Jesus’ solutio
Nine: Sanctification in Marriage: Picturing and Becoming Like ChristOutline:
I. God’s Design for Marriage
II. God-given Duties (roles) in Marriage
III. God-given Delights in Marriage
IV. God’s Description of Marriage—A Living Parable
V. God’s Destination for couples through Marriage
VI. God’s hatred of Divorce
Ten: Physical Intimacy: Pleasing and Pursuing God by Pleasing AnotherOutline:
I. The Language of Hurt
II. The Trust Trap
III. The Divorce Dilemma
Eleven: Avoiding Ambushes: Language of Hurt, The Trust Trap, and DivorceOutline:
1. Pauline Call to Change
2. Communication
a. Complications
b. Biblical speech
3. Conflict Resolution Overview
Twelve: Sanctification in ParentingOutline:
I. Sanctification: THE Goal of Parenting
II. Fathers…do not provoke
III. Bring Them Up
IV. Bring Them Up in the Discipline, and
V. Bring Them Up in the Instruction of the Lord
Attendance10/12 Classes Required
Reading1)Training Manual - Semester Two: Practice of Biblical Counseling (purchase from Rod and Staff)
2) Counseling: How to Counsel Biblically by John MacArthur (purchase from retailer)
3) Competent to Counsel by Jay Adams (purchase from retailer)
ReportsOne, 10pg paper: "Psychology vs. Biblical Counseling"
Guide to Written ReportsDownload
Homework4 hours observe counseling
Duration12, 2 hour classes
CalendarView Calendar
Student GuideDownload
FeesTraining Manual - $25
Individual Registration - $150
Married Registration - $200
Retake Registration - $50
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. . .exists to equip churches to strengthen the saints to live above sin, suffering, and circumstance through sanctification (greater conformity to Jesus) unto satisfaction (greater capacity to enjoy Jesus) Soli Deo Gloria. . .