Training the saints to certification in biblical counseling
Let Love Be Genuine
In Romans 12:9 we find these words, Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. (Rom. 12:9 ESV) In this verse, one sees that Paul continues to show what it means to present one’s body as a sacrifice living, holy, and acceptable to God and to...
Permanent Victimhood is the Death Knell of Sanctification
Beloved, A few months ago I listed some truths that biblical counseling has taught me. I wrote, "I have learned a lot of truths in learning, practicing, and teaching biblical counseling. Here are a few of those truths, and in coming posts from me, I will expand upon...
In Christ, we have the power to not sin.
But why does this matter? We find these words in Romans 6:6-7. We know that our old self was crucified with him in order that the body of sin might be brought to nothing, so that we would no longer be enslaved to sin. For one who has died has been set free from...
The Cross Wins
Beloved, A few months ago I listed some truths that biblical counseling has taught me. I wrote, "I have learned a lot of truths in learning, practicing, and teaching biblical counseling. Here are a few of those truths, and in coming posts from me, I will expand...
Who is the blessed one? Part 2 (Matthew 5:3)
Several months ago, I wrote a blog on the first beatitude. Today, I would like to return to the Sermon on the Mount and the second beatitude. In so doing, I will begin this blog with the same two opening paragraphs as my previous blog in order to set the stage. ...