The Joy of Trials

The Joy of Trials

The Joy of Trials Have you ever faced a trial? Have you ever endured suffering? Have you ever dealt with difficulty in your life? Of course, you have. We all have. Life in a fallen world is hard. It is difficult and it often hurts. Thankfully, those who trust in the...
Weaned from Self

Weaned from Self

Weaned from Self Beloved, What would it look like to live weaned from SELF? To be sure, Christians want to live weaned from the world, but what about self? David presents this reality in Psalm 131 (many thanks to David Powlison here).. Psalm 131:1-3 O LORD, my heart...
Do you believe all of Romans 12?

Do you believe all of Romans 12?

Do you believe all of Romans 12? If you open your Bible to Romans 12:9-21 it probably has a heading like “Marks of the True Christian” or something closely related and rightly so.  In this text, one finds such things as genuine love, abhorrence of evil, holding fast...
Jesus Christ the righteous

Jesus Christ the righteous

Jesus Christ the righteous In the first chapter of 1 John, John reminds his audience that the message he proclaims to them comes from first-hand experience.  He heard it, saw it, and touched it. The promise of eternal life from God the Father had come to earth in the...
Five Real Reasons for Jesus’ Advent

Five Real Reasons for Jesus’ Advent

Five Real Reasons for Jesus’ Advent Beloved, how much more can be said about God assuming humanity?  What could I, a creature, say of the Creator “sharing in human nature” (Phil 2:7; NET)?  The entire proposition is preposterous (me saying anything...