Two Questions, One Thing

Jul 22, 2016

By Paul Tripp (from

I have two questions to ask you today. I would encourage you to answer them honestly, without pretending to be more devout than you actually are, and specifically, without providing vague generalizations.

  1. If you had the ability to change one thing in your life, what would you change?
  2. If someone very wealthy and powerful offered to fulfill one thing you desired, what would you request?

Let me start with my own honest confession. On most days, my answer wouldn’t sound like this: “One thing have I asked of the Lord, that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in his temple.” (Psalm 27:4).

Here’s why that spiritual reality is dangerous:

Read the rest!


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. . .exists to equip churches to strengthen the saints to live above sin, suffering, and circumstance through sanctification (greater conformity to Jesus) unto satisfaction (greater capacity to enjoy Jesus) Soli Deo Gloria. . .