Changes to Our Counseling Procedures
We are writing to make you aware of important changes to our counseling procedures.
Rod and Staff Ministries will soon begin asking counselees, as able, to pay $20 per session ($50 if with myself, Jim). The reasons for this change are multiple:
1. Though we are pleased to “tread out grain” (cf. 1 Tim 5:18) temporarily (we say this because we believe in the church universal. God’s best is the church. We would gladly close our doors if the churches would counsel their own) for the churches, many churches are not as pleased or able to feed the ox doing the plowman’s work of counseling.
2. The Bible confirms that where one’s treasure is (mammon; that is money), there also will be the heart (Matt 6:21). Many counselees would be well served to have a stake in the endeavor. It will help hold them accountable and motivate them unto grace-empowered effort (sanctification is not passive, but active–animated, as it were, by grace).
Jesus’ name is being besmirched greatly in the realm of counseling. More Christians, more churches, more pastors are sending the saints to secular sources of hope in suffering when we should be sending them to Jesus. Jesus is better than Freud, than Maslow, than Rogers…than all the world’s counselors combined.
We also take this opportunity to ask for your support as we endeavor in the Lord’s strength to testify to The Wonderful Counselor. The nominal funds received will NOT cover our deficit, nor are they anywhere close to the fees charged by the larger counseling community (sometimes 10 times what we would be asking). Would you please consider making a recurring or one-time donation, taking our training, and encouraging others—your friends, your churches, your pastors—to take our training for the sake of the name of Jesus?
We thank you for your support. We covet your prayers. To Him be Glory.
10,000 Blessings in The Wonderful Counselor,
Rod and Staff Ministries