Golf Outing: THANK YOU!
For this Friday’s blog we would like to pause and say THANK YOU! We say thank you to everyone who helped make our 2017 Golf Outing a success. Our outing was underwritten again this year by Marilyn Hall-Lambert and we are eternally grateful. We also had…..
11 – Corporate Sponsors
2 – Major Sponsors
10 – Hole Sponsors
132 – Golfers
To all of our sponsors and golfers we say THANK YOU!
Many others donated items for the silent auction, tv’s to give away, Chick-fil-A, and items for the door prizes. To you, we say THANK YOU!
Others (too many to name), contributed countless hours in planning and executing the outing. Without their quiet behind the scenes work there would be no golf outing. To you, we say THANK YOU!
Rod and Staff Ministries has been truly blessed by your support and generosity and we are thankful for each and every one of you. Your support is crucial to our ministry and we praise God for you.
We would also like to say thank you to Hickory Stick Golf Course for hosting us and providing a wonderful meal.
God has truly blessed the ministry of Rod and Staff over the years. May the generosity of all those mentioned turn our focus to God and may we praise Him from whom all blessings flow.
By His Grace Alone,
Rod and Staff Ministries.