ACBC Exam Prep Class Starts Soon
There’s still time to SIGN UP! Our Semester Three: Exam Preparation class starts April 8, and it would be a blessing to see you there.
This course covers all of the questions from the counseling and theology exams and is an excellent transition between sitting in the classroom and sitting down to write the exams. But be encouraged. For the purposes of this class you yourself will only answer a handful of questions–not every single question. All of the questions are divided among the students. Each student writes the answer to the questions he is assigned at home then reads and distributes his answers in class on the day(s) he is scheduled to present. After each question, the instructor will provide very specific feedback and open it up for class discussion.
We meet Saturday April 8, April 29, May 6, May 13, and May 20 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Southland Community Church (bring a lunch). During the first class, April 8, each student is assigned his portion of questions from the exam (as well as the day(s) he will present), administrative details are discussed, and articles that will help with research are handed out.
May we help you continue your pursuit of ACBC Certification? It would be our privilege. Registration is open until the day before class starts. You can register for class here and learn more about semester three here.
Lastly, if you’ve already taken this class or know somebody who might be interested, would you help us get the word out by sharing this message with them?
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. It would be great to hear from you!
10,000 Blessings in The Wonderful Counelor,
Rod and Staff Ministries