An ACBC Counselor Encourages You to Be Supervised
I was not initially thrilled with the thought of completing 50 hours of supervised counseling in order to receive certification with ACBC. Basically, I did not want to drive clear across town and put all of the work into it. I also wondered how helpful it would be and I did not want to just go through the motions in order to be certified.
Part of my thinking process also included that I have been serving as a pastor/elder and have been counseling people on at least some level for several years. I figured the supervised counseling would help some, but was not sure how much it would help. Would it be worth the time and effort?
So, basically I was tempted to take the easy way out and not complete the supervised counseling. And I am sure there was some pride in my heart thinking it may not be that helpful.
I can now tell you that I am so thankful, that by God’s grace, I started and completed the supervised counseling. The time, the drive and everything involved was most definitely worth it.
By God’s grace, the counseling I do now compared to the counseling I did before the 50 sessions of supervised counseling is much more glorifying to God, much better thought out and much more beneficial to those I meet with.
The supervised counseling was by far the most beneficial part of the entire training process I received at Rod and Staff. Yes, the three semesters of classes were very well done and the writing of the exams was helpful. Yet, nothing compared to the supervised counseling I received from Dr. Jim Fain.
For my first two sessions of supervised counseling Dr. Fain sat in with me as he would end up doing for a total of five sessions. His example, comments, suggestions, encouragement, challenges and continual reminders of very important and recurring themes both in the times he sat in with me and in our conversations going over the other 45 hours were extremely helpful.
I was encouraged and grew from hour one until hour fifty of my 50 hours of supervised counseling.
I also learned very practical things through the supervised counseling that has helped me with my first and last sessions with people, case report forms, homework, etc.
In addition to the tempting reasons mentioned above for not going through the supervised counseling, I have heard some people say they are intimidated by the fact that Dr. Fain will set in with them as part of the supervised counseling.
Let me assure you that Dr. Fain will be a great encouragement to you. Yes, he may challenge you at times, as he should, and keep reminding you of some things, as he should.
However, be assured that it will be a great help to your glorifying God through your counseling and it will also be a great benefit to your own sanctification and in helping those you meet with to please and glorify God in all things!
The challenges, catchy sayings, and reminders I received from Dr. Fain have greatly shaped the counseling I do today and are extremely helpful.
Take it from a pastor, who has served as pastor/elder for several years and has been involved in various types of counseling for several years, that your counseling will never be what it can be if you do not complete the 50 hours of supervised counseling.
And if you struggle to persevere through the 50 hours of supervised counseling remember how Jesus persevered to the cross for you, dying to his self and dying for your sins. He persevered that you would have the hope of eternal life and not have to face the eternal wrath of God that we all deserve.
“May the Lord direct your hearts into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance” (2 Thessalonians 3:5).
In Christ,
Pastor and ACBC Certified Counselor Tony Guinn