You will never walk alone… by Thomas Leuthard (CC BY 2.0)
In this week’s Faithful Friday Blog Jim Fain discusses how Paul, even when he was deserted, focused on Christ and ministry.
- Introduction (00:00-00:15)
- Living a God-ward life vs. living a self-centered life
- 2 Timothy 4 (00:16-00:54)
- Demas deserted Paul
- Others deserted Paul at his defense
- If living self-focused life (00:55- 01:32)
- Your thoughts, desires, interpretations of life are centered around you
- Then we read into text psychological problem of loneliness
- Give yourself permission to sit in seat of self-pity
- Though Paul was deserted, his mind was on ministry (01:33-02:01)
- Asked for John Mark because he was useful for ministry
- Asked for parchments and resources to do ministry
- Lord stood by him, Paul shared gospel with gentiles
- If you are God-centered, ministry-centered… (02:02-02:14)
- You can live well when people desert you
- If your mind is centered on yourself… (02:15-02:25)
- You will become miserable and bitter when people desert you
- Only one thing is necessary (02:25-02:50)
- Be a Mary and sit at the feet of Jesus