by sdbarnard | Mar 8, 2019 | Devotional |
Beloved, What motivates you to do the impossible? What truth(s) could/should God place before your soul in order that you would die to self (impossible), honor God (impossible), and love your neighbor (not the ones who love you first–but you know, the one...
by sdbarnard | Feb 14, 2019 | Devotional |
One word…all the difference in one word. Beloved, Can you imagine the impact if Luke 17:4 had one word replaced….? The actual verse reads thus,”…and if he sins against you seven times in the day, and turns to you seven times, saying, ‘I...
by sdbarnard | Nov 19, 2016 | Devotional |
An ACBC Counselor Encourages You to Be Supervised I was not initially thrilled with the thought of completing 50 hours of supervised counseling in order to receive certification with ACBC. Basically, I did not want to drive clear across town and put all of the work...