by sdbarnard | Oct 18, 2019 | Devotional |
Featured Do you talk to yourself? Yes, you do talk to yourself! You and I talk to ourselves a lot daily and maybe minute by minute. Actually no one is more influential in your life than you are. You interpret, organize andanalyze what is going on inside you and...
by sdbarnard | May 31, 2019 | Devotional |
By Dale Porter One day I heard a pop singer sing: “Listen to your heart before you tell him goodbye.” Was the singer perplexed and confused about what to do about a boyfriend? Maybe she was, but the implication left in your mind is that before leaving him—listen to...
by sdbarnard | Apr 5, 2019 | Devotional |
This installment of Hope and Help from Psalm 23 shows how our Good Shepherd provides protection and power for our life. Part Three reveals how God puts Himself on full display by providing Himself as our life’s satisfaction. Part Two shows us how the phrase “For...
by sdbarnard | Jan 25, 2019 | Devotional |
This installment of Hope and Help from Psalm 23 reveals how God puts Himself on full display by providing Himself as our life’s satisfaction. Part Two shows us how the phrase “For his name sake” brings hope and help in desperate situations In Part One we see...