My All in All

My All in All

By Marshall Segall ( The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. (Matthew 13:44) Lots of people are completely content to have Jesus...
The Church’s Calling: Ministry of the Word

The Church’s Calling: Ministry of the Word

Men and women of the church are commanded to help one caught in sin (Gal 6:1ff.), but the officers of the church are commanded, not only to seek the lost sheep, but to proactively be involved in the transformation of lives by the ministry of the Word (Adams, A...
The Everlasting Hope

The Everlasting Hope

By Shawna Barnard   I was elated when my psychologist told me I was ready to graduate. The pronouncement meant that I could return to life without the regular intervention of therapy. I was equipped with skills from my psychologist and medication from my...
Can We Adulterate the Bible?

Can We Adulterate the Bible?

Is it possible to adulterate the Bible? Is it possible to “use” Scripture for selfish purposes? The answer to both those questions is most definitely “yes.” If the idol of my heart is R-E-S-P-E-C-T (caught you singing, didn’t I?) then I...