Aim for the Hope that Satisfies

Aim for the Hope that Satisfies

In what or whom do you hope? …and having hope is crucial in life—especially in the storms of life. Proverbs 13:12 Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life. To be sure, one may have the wrong hopes (cravings, desires,...
Repentance Starts in Your Heart (Part 2)

Repentance Starts in Your Heart (Part 2)

By Dale Porter In my previous blog article, I stressed Psalm 51 takes a look at the real enemy that lives within every believer in Christ. That enemy is you as a sinner. Circumstances, people or God are not the real problem in life. It is you!!! And you need to be...
Repentance Starts in Your Heart (Part 2)

Repentance Starts in Your Heart (Part 1)

By Dale Porter What runs through your mind as a believer in Christ when Psalm 51 is mentioned? If you know the psalm’s background, you think of David’s sexual sin with Bathsheba and the murder of her husband. Because of this, it is easy to see David as the worst of...
Is a Biblical Counseling Course for Me?

Is a Biblical Counseling Course for Me?

Greetings Beloved, There are a number of reasons everyone should take at least one course in biblical counseling, for example: 1. You are commanded by God to counsel: Galatians 6:1 Galatians 6:1 Brothers [and of course, “sister”], if anyone is caught in...