Live Above Circumstances

Live Above Circumstances

What is most evangelistic…great Sunday morning “worship” services, or great any-day living in hard circumstances?  If you really wanted your neighbors, friends, and family to seriously consider the claims of Christ would you invite them to your...
Mike Hall Memorial Golf Outing

Mike Hall Memorial Golf Outing

Mark your calendars!  Our annual golf outing will be held on Thursday, August 23rd at Smock Golf Course in Greenwood.  This is our largest fundraiser, and helps our ministry to continue to serve the Lord by serving others through counseling, training and...

Living Above Circumstance

What would it be like to live, really live, above circumstance?  Can you imagine always being content, always being joyful, always being self-controlled?  Is it possible to drive in traffic or interact with governmental agencies (just wait ’till the government...

Watershed Wants: The Heavenly Reward

Jonathan Edwards wrote, “There will be different degrees of both holiness and happiness [in heaven] according to the measure of each one’s capacity, and therefore those that are the lowest in glory will have the greatest love for those that are highest in...

Watershed Wants

What is the most crucial desire to solve any and all marital problems?  It must be a desire to please God.  Gone must be the desire to win, the desire to get even, the desire to be vindicated, or the desire to be appreciated, loved, or known.  One must WANT to please...