Watershed Wants…Grand Slam

When is the run scored in baseball?  Suppose, for the sake of argument, that the Boston Red Sox’s batter hits a Grand Slam in the bottom of the ninth against the dreaded Yankees trailing by 3 runs…when is the game over? Some may think the game is over when...

Watershed Wants…Triple Play

In previous entries, we have considered some of the most important wants a person can have.  Do I want to GET from others or, in appreciation of what I have been given by God, GIVE to others?  Do I primarily want a God that heals (fixes circumstances) or redeems me...

Watershed Wants…Part Deux

What do you crave most when betrayed, offended, or slighted?  No seriously, what did you want most when you poured out your life to another and were underappreciated, whether openly or silently? What did you want? Do you know what I wanted…it was not revenge.  I...

Watershed Wants…

What do you desire most when suffering?  Where do your thoughts run most when circumstance is difficult?  What sort of God do you seek when the trials of life multiply? Is anguish something to be avoided at all costs?  Is there any profit in pain?  What should be your...

Sledding Uphill

The church in America is in dire need of biblical counseling.  Two specters haunt her halls.  Two philosophies have taken root—and very few, it appears, are aware.  Like a good friend once told me, “If you want to know what it’s like to swim in water, do not ask...