We’re Moving Soon!
Greetings beloved.
This year, Rod & Staff Ministries will celebrate 20 years of bringing help and hope to many who are hurting in our community. In 1997 Rod and Staff was founded to bring the Words of Life to the Greenwood area. Twenty years later those life-giving words are going out across our country and even overseas. Lord willing, we will celebrate that legacy later this year, and we look forward to continuing the mission for years to come.
In addition, we are excited about a new chapter in our history. Rod and Staff
Ministries will be moving to Grace Bible Church (GBC) in New Whiteland soon. Our prayer is, as Paul would affirm, that God will be glorified and His sufficient Word might increase.
Acts 20:32
And now I commend you to God and to the Word of his grace, which is able to build you up and to give you the inheritance among all those who [have been and] are [being]* sanctified.
GBC is generously building office, teaching, and counseling space for us within their own facility. We believe these “built-to-suit” facilities will engender our goals. Even with GBC’s generosity, we will still have extra expenses in making this move. Please pray for us in this, and prayerfully consider being part of God’s provision to meet this need.**
We are deeply grateful to Southland Community Church for their gracious provisions during the last 4 ½ years, and we look forward to expanding our ministry of training through this partnership with GBC. We praise God for the role He’s given you in Rod & Staff Ministries. We thank Him for your faithfulness to give and serve in His cause. We eagerly anticipate His faithfulness in the future.
10,000 Blessings in the Wonderful Counselor,
Rod and Staff
*The verb, “sanctified” in the perfect tense includes both “have been” and “are being.”
** We will send a follow-up e-mail with particular needs.