“And when they had crucified Him”
Six words. Six (and really only three in Greek). Not a lot of words given to one of the most cruel forms of death possible.
“And when they had crucified Him” (Matthew 27:35 ESV).
That is it. Six words. Most, if not all of us, have read about the actual horrors of death by crucifixion. It is a truly terrible death…and add to that the injustice of it, and the mockings surrounding it…one has a recipe for a truly terrible death. Yet, only six words in English are needed (used) to describe it. Why?
I think, and I hold this with some conviction, that Matthew was more interested in detailing the purpose rather than the pain. The answer to the “why?” question is in the “why.”
Why Jesus died is far more important than how He died.
Do you recall the hype that surrounded the release of the movie, “The Passion of the Christ”? The buzz lasted at least six months. I think the reason why is that the movie vividly portrayed the pain more than addressing the purpose. It aroused the emotions without first addressing the thoughts. The movie was all heat…and very little light.
The Puritans preached light first…and then trusted that that light would generate heat. Passions set on fire by truth. The truth of the cross, the reason for the cross…then a whole person wholly moved.
What has all this to do with counseling? Everything. God wants His redeemed to live by faith, not feelings. Faith must be informed by truth. Faith in God must be in the God…not in a god of one’s own imagination. Life must be lived by faith, not by feelings.
Beloved, circumstance lies to you. Depression lies to you. Both tell you your troubles are like Anakim, giants, who live in cities fortified up to heaven (see Deut 1:28). The Bible tells you that God is bigger—He is good, great, and wise (Deut. 1:30, 31, 33).
If you are struggling, seek help from a biblical counselor, one who shows God in the storm. His Person, His Promises, and His Purposes should make a difference. Seeing Him should change the soul.
Knowing the purpose of the cross will bring hope in the storm.
10,000 Blessings in The Wonderful Counselor,