Possess HIM this Christmas
Merry Christmas!
May your desire be for Jesus. May your heart’s desire terminate on Jesus.
Beloved, please do not settle for merely the benefits of Jesus, but stop short of nothing less than obtaining Jesus, Himself. There are many benefits to be sure, but these are merely pointers to THE Gift-Giver.
Do you remember when you would open a present from Grandma at Christmas and your mom would tell you straight away to go give Grandma a kiss and thank her? Your mom did that because she knew the gift was merely a pointer to the Grandmother herself.
You wanted the toy then (sometimes just the box, lol)…and you want the gifts now. Do you want the Gift-Giver more?
This Holy-day season do not approach Jesus for what He can give you, approach Him to possess Him. He is your inheritance…not what he gives you. He is the crown of life.
Philippians 3:14
I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
The prize is IN Jesus…not around Jesus, not beside Jesus, not from Jesus…but IN Him.
Wise Men and Women Still Seek Him,