Happy Thanksgiving, Beloved!
Psalm 26:6-8
6 I wash my hands in innocence and go around your altar, O LORD,
7 proclaiming thanksgiving aloud, and telling all your wondrous deeds.
8 O LORD, I love the habitation of your house and the place where your glory dwells.
The Psalmist, David, helps all of us see how he, and by extension, us, might not run with the wicked, hypocrites, and liars (vss. 4-5). The way to live a life that pleases God, loves others, and avoids unbelief is the way of THANKSGIVING.
Gratitude is the opposite of every sin. Sin always wants what it does not have. Sin always wants more. Sin is never satiated. On the other hand, gratitude says, I am content. Gratitude rests in the goodness, greatness, and wisdom of God. Gratitude exclaims with David…
Those who seek the LORD
lack no good thing.Psalm 34:10
Gratitude says to God….thank you. I lack nothing that is good. I trust you, Lord, that I do not have something because you have determined it to not be good for me. You are wise enough to know what I need, good enough to want that good for me, and powerful to make that good come to me. I trust you God—thank you.
Cultivating gratitude will magnify the glory of God. Giving thanks in all circumstances (1 Thess. 5:18) will be a winsome witness to others.
This is what Rod and Staff Ministries seeks to do….equip the church to give hope and help to the flock of God. One crucial help is to learn to cultivate an attitude of and practice with one’s words thanksgiving.
We are thankful for you. We are thankful to God for you. You make possible this ministry. You make it possible for us to help others learn to counsel others—to be an instrument to see others brought to the glad-hearted gratitude of God.
Rod and Staff Ministries has trained another 121 students by your help. We have provided help to 82 counselees by your help. We have brought cups of cool water in Jesus’ name by your help.
Thank you!
We would be so grateful if you would make possible our passion by giving financially. May God be enjoyed, may His Word be upheld as sufficient, and may His saints stand out in their thanksgiving.
10,000 Blessings in the Wonderful Counselor,
Jim Fain, Director
Rod and Staff Ministries
Give the gift of training and counseling. One-time and recurring giving options are available.
For $40 a month you can provide the funds needed to train one person in biblical counseling this year. For $80 a month you can provide the funds needed to counsel one person weekly this year.