We are Grateful
We are grateful.
When the Apostle Paul prescribes antidotes for all that eternally troubles us, one prominent source of hope and help is gratitude.
Colossians 3:15
And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful.
If you know someone who could use peace—someone whose soul is troubled—Paul encourages gratitude. Be thankful. Be thankful first and foremost for God Himself…and then all His good gifts. We are grateful to God for giving us Himself…and we are grateful to God for you.
Our 2018 Golf Outing was another vast blessing to our ministry. Thank you to all. You have helped us discharge our calling and our passion—to give help and hope from God’s sufficient Word.
This year we rejoice in:
- The man whose name graces our banners and still speaks to our souls: Mike Hall
- The number of golfers: 120
- The number of sponsors: 25 total (12 Corporate, 1 Major, and 11 Hole)
- The number of donors: 19 auction items, 28 donors to giveaways (120 items given away)
- The number of volunteers: 10
- The percentage of our yearly budget raised: nearly 20%
And a special thanks to our 12 corporate sponsors:
- Friends of Campus Outreach
- The Schmisseur Family
- Indianapolis Automobile Trade Association
- Ray Skillman
- Healthcare Therapy Services, Inc.
- The Cooney Family
- Greenwood Christian Church
- Chicago Pizza
- LifePoint Soul Care Team
- Wheeler Mission
- Angry Mamas Auction Company
- Roger Hall Family
Mike Hall thought the Word of God was LIFE. He was right. Peter said the same to Jesus (John 6:68). In Jesus is joy, peace, and LIFE. Mike is alive. He is living before the face of his Savior, Jesus Christ—and Mike is satisfied.
10,000 Blessings in THE Wonderful Counselor,