Exam Prep Class Starts Soon!
Are you ready to write your exams? Let us help you take the next step. In our Semester Three: Exam Prep course we help you transition from sitting in the classroom to sitting down to write the exam. SIGN UP here!
By the end of the course you’ll…
- be able to develop a rough outline for each answer
- have a better idea of what points to include and exclude
- have access to supplemental research articles
- gain tips on which sources to consult for which answers
- understand how to format your answers
- get an eye for what constitutes a good answer (according to the graders themselves!)
- realize that you don’t have to be a PhD to write the exams!
- see that a correct answer can be written in a variety of ways
How does this work? Each student writes the answers to the questions he is assigned then reads his answers on the day(s) he is scheduled to present. Afterward, the instructors (who are exam graders themselves) provide very specific feedback and takes questions and comments from the class. It is a great time of learning and loving the Lord together.
We meet Saturday April 14 from 9am-12pm and April 28, May 5, 12, 19 from 8am-12pm. We assign questions and discuss logistics during our first meeting.
We do hope and pray to see you there! It is a pleasure to answer you questions. Don’t hesitate to call us at 317-859-6941 or email us at office@rodandstaffministries.org.
Register NOW!