NOTICE: Closed During Moving Week
UPDATE (7/31/2017):
We have moved into our beautiful new location and are working to settle in as quickly as possible. Thank you for all of your prayers, and thank you for all of the patience and grace you are extending us during the transition. Here are a few helpful and IMPORTANT housekeeping items:
PHONES: Our phones are not up and running. Please contact us VIA EMAIL (info@rodandstaffministries.org). You can still sign up for counseling, classes, and the golf outing via our website.
VISITORS: If you would like to stop by, it would be best to arrange a time beforehand. We may not hear you because our doorbell and keypad system are still being set up. We sure would hate to miss you!
COUNSELING: Counseling has re-opened, however, we do have a waiting list at this time. Counseling sessions are still being held at our previous location, Southland Community Church. Counselors, please work out the details with Lorra. Counselees, please work out the details with Lorra and your counselor.
Once again, thank you for your prayers and patience! To Him be all the glory.
10,000 Blessings in The Wonderful Counselor,
Rod and Staff Ministries
Dear friends,
We have a moving date! We are excited to announce we will be moving the week of July 10 – 14 if the Lord wills. Please note the following:
Office Closed: July 10 – 14
Possibly no phone/internet: July 10 – 14 or longer
We extend special thanks to Grace Bible Church who by their own finances and the sweat of their own brows is building this space for us. Additionally, we offer great gratitude to Southland Community Church who has been an excellent host for us for five five years.
Would you join us in offering praise to the Lord, and would you call out to the Lord on our behalf during the move? May His name be ever-praised.
May your joy in our Savior be always abounding.
10,000 Blessings in The Wonderful Counselor,
Rod and Staff Ministries