We Celebrate the Death of Jesus
Today we celebrate the death of Jesus. Did you catch that odd juxtaposition of words?
We celebrate…the death…
One of my daughters asked me, “Daddy, why do we call Good Friday ‘good’? Isn’t it the day Jesus died?”
What a great question. Why would anyone call one of the worst ways to die…let alone inflicted upon the only innocent person, “good”?
Why would Paul write this:
Galatians 6:14
But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ,
by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.
THE event, THE truth in which Paul boasts (glories in, takes pleasure in, assigns value in, rejoices in) is THE CROSS of Christ.
In context I think Paul was contrasting the way of faith versus the way of self-made, self-obtained, righteousness (works). Paul would rather rejoice in Jesus’ work than his own. Paul knew the law gave NO power of obedience. Paul knew the futility of trying to keep the law in his own strength. He saw in Jesus’ death….FREEDOM. Jesus kept the law in Paul’s place.
Paul would NOT boast in his works…he will boast in Jesus’. The work of Christ, both satisfying God’s righteous wrath AND earning perfect righteous are, here, alluded to by the concept of the cross.
In what OR whom do you boast?
In what or whom do you seek joy? Upon what or whom are your hopes and dreams fixed?
May you rejoice in the “joy set before Him” (Heb 12:2)…rejoice in the glad-hearted obedience of Jesus. Rejoice in the finished work of Christ.
Remember…the cross IS NOT a testimony to your worth. The Cross of Christ is a testimony to our wickedness and HIS Worth.
10,000 Blessings in the Crucified One,