What Do You Value?
There is a lot of talk these days (and I do mean A LOT) about joy being found in knowing one’s worth or value. Sadly, even in the church we are told that in order to be joyful one must know how worthy they are. We might expect such from those who do not know the majestic God of Scripture; but from the church…from those who purport to follow Scripture, one might expect more.
Please read, and then reread, and then ponder (for a good while; indeed, ruminate on) the following words from the Apostle Paul:
Acts 20:24
But I do not consider my life worth anything 95 to myself,
so that I may finish my task and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus,
to testify to the good news of God’s grace.
95 tn Or “I do not consider my life worth a single word.” According to BDAG 599 s.v. λόγος 1.a.α, “In the textually uncertain pass. Ac 20:24 the text as it stands in N., οὐδενὸς λόγου (v.l. λόγον) ποιοῦμαι τὴν ψυχὴν τιμίαν, may well mean: I do not consider my life worth a single word (cp. λόγου ἄξιον [ἄξιος 1a] and our ‘worth mention’).”
I put the NET Bible’s translation notes in to help you see Paul’s idea.
Paul did not consider his life worth a single word.
He did so in order that (with a view to, in order to; expressing intention or purpose) he might make much of God’s grace!
What brings you maximum joy….making much of self or The Savior?
One must wonder aloud if making much of Jesus might be (or must be) hampered by making much of self. Paul intentionally did not think about his worth so that he could make much of Jesus.
Beloved, His glory is your greatest good.
10,000 Blessings in the Glorious God,