What is biblical counseling?


This month we’ve been quoting a variety of authors and referencing various Scriptures that describe biblical counseling. For today’s Faithful Friday Blog we asked some of our own counselors and students to add their descriptions to the list.

Here’s what they had to say:

Eric Clouse

It is discipleship. One Christian engaged in an intentionally helpful conversation with another Christian to view all of life’s circumstances through the lens of the Word, and in so doing, learn to love, obey, and cherish Jesus all the More.

Doug Franchville

Biblical counseling is simply disciple-making that we are all called/commanded to do (Matt. 28:18-20) and as Christians, are instruments for (Gal. 6:1). We 100% rely on the Word to assess sin, turning thought and behavior from self to God to enlarge desires to treasure, honor, and please Him; that is, to please God by being like Jesus Christ (Matt. 3:17; 2 Cor. 5:9). We discern, teach, encourage and establish life patterns for people to endure through their trial (vs changing the situation and/or relationships), knowing that God is in control and having them go through the trial for their sanctification (Rom. 8:28). This counseling offers the only cure, forgiveness through repentance and the joy through our capacity and capability to enjoy Christ.

Tony Guinn

Biblical counseling is relational, intensive discipleship focused on getting people to fall in love with the gospel, which is the answer to our glorifying God in every circumstance and every area of life.

Stephanie Parks

Biblical counseling is coming alongside a believer in Christ and helping them along with their spiritual journey. It is something that is very different from psychology. Biblical counseling shows us that we are held accountable for our actions and we have a perfect role model to show us how to live our life. Psychology shows us that there is always a reason or an excuse for our problems and feelings that we have and in the end the issues never get resolved because it never reaches the heart of the problem. It is a temporary fix. The problem always returns.

Biblical counseling is lasting. It is like building a house. We need a firm foundation, which is our belief in Christ. Then we build on that with biblical principles. In building the house we can address the “weak spots” when we come to them one day and one problem at a time. It takes work, time, sacrifice, practice and pain. We didn’t get this way overnight so it won’t likely be fixed overnight, although I may add, God can intervene and change things! These things that happen may not be comfortable to experience at the time but this is actually good because that is how we learn and not forget it! Biblical counseling is definitely worth all the hard work because it lasts and is rewarding.

Josh Stegall

I would define biblical counseling as intense discipleship where one believer equips another believer to be able to rightly understand the Word of God and rightly apply the Word of God.

Stay tuned to our Facebook page for the rest of the month to see more! If you would like to learn more about biblical counseling or the training we provide, our website is a great place to start. You can also contact us any time.

10,000 Blessings in The Wonderful Counselor,

Rod and Staff Ministries